
Wednesday, March 13, 2024

Remain Calm in Any Situation

Easier said than done, I know, but it's a must. And it's possible. Keep calm whatever happens. And the one sure thing to do to remain calm is keep cool. To put it more radically, be emotionless. It's not passiveness or being cold, it's cold-blooded. How? Just tell yourself, "it's not a big deal," whenever troubles come, in whatever form.

Photo by Yoann Boyer on Unsplash.

And that's the truth. Nothing's a big deal.

I know it sounds scary, yet too simple, but disturbing all at the same time that it seems a silly thing to say or advice. But what often works in real life are simple, silly things. Happiness and peace, for instance, happen with a simple life that gets amused at silly things, plus right amounts of quietude and meekness, counting others better than yourself. And considering others better than you are is a silly idea for most people. 

But why did I mention "cold-blooded"? Doesn't that sound heinous? The word means zero emotion or being pitiless or callous, even deliberately cruel. Yeah exactly, and you use all these to deaden your reaction to danger. When you're in danger, like being inside a plane about to crash, or being held hostage by a psycho, try to feel no emotions, zero emotions, being pitiless or callous about the thought of dying, being cruel against self-pity, and doing all these deliberately. 

If there's no drama, you can better weigh your situation objectively, think of the right things to do and do it without reservations, even save lives with zero regard for self. To get the kind of calm we need to have, we need this kind of cool to get the calm required in dangerous situations. And this calmness stays in our spirit if we train ourselves in it regularly, like a lifestyle. A constant mindset.

As a local hiker I often find myself in a strange locality where I'm apt to get lost. It's not that I'm poor with directions or anything like that. It's just that all of us are bound to get lost at some time in our lives. And when you're lost in unfamiliar territory you're exposed and easy target to danger. You need to be extra calm because muggers are after unstable people who find themselves in strange places.

But being lost now and then is normal. If you never get lost, you're abnormal. There's something wrong with how you live life. I'm not talking about living wickedly and lost. I'm referring to a kind of righteous wandering like what young Jacob had, or even Jonah. They dared veer off from the right direction, not out of wickedness but out of stubborn adventurism, and something that proved too risky. 

The important thing is disposition. It's like making mistakes. We all do, and it's okay, as long as we know what to do next---which is to do right the next time around.

Same with getting lost or anything we find ourselves in that spells trouble or danger. Recover and take the right path. And it starts with not panicking, or looking for someone or something to blame. Keep cool and think clearly. Be so radically and cold-bloodedly calm.


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