
Friday, April 8, 2016

When I'm Too Tired I Go to this Place

Sometimes you get tired in life. I'm not saying you get tired of life---because life is always exciting. But when excitement gets too much, you also need to rest. In fact, you need to rest somewhere far away, where no one can disturb you.

Excitement can be tiring. It can also be boring. Believe me. And when anything is too tiring, it can be distressing, which is bad for your health.

Thus, you need to get away from it all now and then. It's not enough that you get out of the hassle and bustle of city life and run to your mountain hideaway. You also need to get away FROM LIFE periodically.

You need to "leave" life for a while, leave this dimension, and seek refuge somewhere far away from this world, while still being in it. Being the Local Hiker, I've been to different places in my life, and especially to places (dimensions) where most people have never been to---even those who think they're well traveled just because they travel abroad a lot.

I often "hide" awhile from this life and become lost to the world. My mind and spirit go some place else where I find green pasture and true solace. I go to God's secret place, his favorite room in His mansion. The King's exclusive chamber. You been to that place? You know the path to it?

Seek that place in your heart. I tell you, it's the best "tourist destination" you'd ever experience. The best places in Europe, the US and Asia are no match to it. I often stop, drop everything, and hike there.

But there's a membership fee. Members are considered residents, and they alone can enter the place. Good News is, Someone sponsors the membership---if you know Him personally. JESUS paid the fee with his LIFE. For more on this, just fill up the form on the sidebar.

When I get tired in life, I hike---no, I run to that place---and sometimes stay there a long time.

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